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/ Wednesday 2 December 2015 @20:49 /

For all those who do not know, I'm taking the next step in my life and attending university. As I don't post that often I thought I'd document this journey and in particular my journey into teaching. 

Today I received an early offer for Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education at Macquarie University. After finding out that I would receive an early offer I have been both incredibly excited and incredibly nervous. Excited because this was something new and different and I was really thrilled to be pursuing something that I am very passionate about. Within the excitement there was of course fear. After the initial sense of excitement my fears started to take over. Going to a university so far away means having to make new friends and there is a part of me that loves the idea of it but I’m so scared that people won’t like me. There’s also the fear that I won’t make a good teacher at all and I’m just being too optimistic about this dreams and there are just so many things I’m worried about. Instead of keeping all these feelings that I have, I thought I would document the ups and downs of this experience. I’m well aware that I can change my mind if I choose to but I really want to do this and I want to put everything that I have into becoming a teacher.

I thought I’d take the chance to inform you guys on this new blog direction. I’m thinking of putting up another post going into why I wanted to go into teaching in the first place. We shall see AHAH


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